Keeping fall crops safe from four legged pests

Posted on: September 24, 2015 | Written By: Doug Oster | Comments

This leaf lettuce ins growing in a pot and surrounded with chicken wire.

This leaf lettuce ins growing in a pot and surrounded with chicken wire. Photos by Doug Oster Trib Total Media

These purple kohlrabi will have this chicken wire fence over them until they start to get big.

These purple kohlrabi will have this chicken wire fence over them until they start to get big.

Fall is a great time to plant lettuce and other greens. The plants love the cool weather.

If you’re unable to fence the whole garden, try fencing the plants themselves. In my case, I’ve got a fence around the garden, but there’s some place that the rabbits are getting in.

Some cheap chicken wire will keep rabbits, deer and groundhogs away from the plants.

I’ve surrounded some containers, but have also laid some of the fencing on top of some plants, using some wire hoops to protect them.

Check out your local nursery for some plants. It’s fun to be picking in November and beyond.


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