The Thanksgiving Cactus!

Posted on: November 25, 2015 | Written By: Doug Oster | Comments

Christmas cactus blooms provide much needed winter color indoors. Photos by Doug Oster Trib Total Media

Christmas cactus blooms provide much needed winter color indoors. Photos by Doug Oster Trib Total Media

The bright red flowers of a Christmas cactus are always a surprise on the windowsill this time of the year, although I don’t know why. Mine is always flowering at either Thanksgiving or Easter.

Regardless, the flowers are spectacular and are triggered by day length. When the light is just right, the plant puts on buds, which quickly open to put on their show.

These buds will open soon to reveal their pretty flowers.

These buds will open soon to reveal their pretty flowers.

Even though it’s called a cactus, it’s better off watered like a houseplant. Keep it on the dry side, but without neglect.

After the blooms are finished, think about making more by taking cuttings. The plant will root easily.

Just gently pull the segments apart and stick them in some moist planting mix (not too wet). If you really want to do it right dip the root end of the cutting in a rooting hormone. Stick the cutting in vermiculite and cover the tray with clear plastic. The plastic keep humidity up and the vermiculite prevent rotting. Put the tray in indirect light for a couple weeks. Remove the plastic and gently tug at the cuttings, if they resist, they have rooted and can be transplanted to another growing medium like planting mix.

Enjoying houseplants like a Thanksgiving cactus get us through the winter.

You have to love Christmas cactus, right?

You have to love Christmas cactus, right?



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