Paperwhites fill the house with beauty and (wonderful?) fragrance

Posted on: February 10, 2016 | Written By: Doug Oster | Comments

Paperwhites are beautiful and smell heavenly (to me). Photos by Doug Oster Tribune-Review

Paperwhites are beautiful and smell like spring (to me). Photos by Doug Oster Tribune-Review

The heavy scent of paperwhites lingers through the air in the house. To me it smells like spring, to others, not so much. It’s one of those, love it or hate it aromas.

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I can’t resist growing paperwhites, it gets me through the winter. Even a relatively easy one.


They are tender daffodils grown on the windowsill and their perfume can be overwhelming unless you love their fragrance.

They are cost about a dollar a piece and I buy a few here and there, planting them every couple weeks to continue the show through the end of winter.

Having them bloom during the coldest part of the winter is simply wonderful. That trademark fragrance is shared by many “real” daffodils. Before we know it, they will be blooming, heralding the arrival of spring.

Until them enjoy the flowers and fragrance while searching through seed catalogs for exciting new varieties to try this spring.

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Take time to discover the beauty of paperwhites. You won’t be sorry.





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