Enjoy your garden

For the dedicated horticulturist to the casual flowerpot planter – there’s a gardener in all of us. Everybody Gardens is your trusted source for all things gardening. Everybody Gardens welcomes gardeners of all skill levels to a fun, informative community and marketplace. Share advice with other members, get tips from local experts and submit your garden success stories! Best of all, shop for garden products right here in the Everybody Gardens Shop to help you make the most of your gardening experience.

Plant now for a great harvest in the fall and beyond

August is the harvest month. Zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers start rolling in, so much so they start ending up Read the full article…

August 6, 2015

Garfield Community Farm shares love of gardening with neighborhood

The mission of the Garfield Community Farm, which began in an abandoned lot, is to provide good food for its neighborhood in Pittsburgh.

August 4, 2015

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