Here’s how to make roses last

Posted on: February 15, 2016 | Written By: Doug Oster | Comments

Cut roses are a tradition for Valentine's Day. There are lots of ways to make them last.

Cut roses are a tradition for Valentine’s Day. There are lots of ways to make them last.

Here are a few tips to keep roses from Valentine’s Day fresh.

• Use a clean vase, sterilized with a 10-percent bleach solution.

• Remove any foliage that will be in water. The leaves will accelerate the growth of bacteria if left on the stems.

• Cut a half-inch off the bottom of the stems while underwater and transfer to the vase. Remove another half-inch of stem every other day.

• Change the water daily.

• Display the flowers in a cool place, if possible.

• A penny left in the bottom of the vase actually works. It acts as an acidifier to slow the growth of bacteria.

• In many cases, the flowers can be air-dried after a week or so. After they are dry, display them in a jar with a lid; they could last for years.

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