Falling in love at MANTS, this double hellebore is a winner

Posted on: January 12, 2017 | Written By: Doug Oster | Comments

With nearly 1000 exhibitors at the Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) in Baltimore showcasing everything you could imaging for gardeners, it can become overwhelming.

'Maid of Honor' is a new hellebore from Walters Gardens. Photos by Doug Oster Tribune-Review

‘Maid of Honor’ is a new hellebore from Walters Gardens. Photos by Doug Oster Tribune-Review

blog helebores 2I walk down long aisles looking for things that I think home gardeners would be interested in. When I saw the double hellebore ‘Maid of Honor’ from the Walters Gardens’ Wedding Party series, I fell in love. The pretty purple flowers are stunning and they also come in shades of white, dark purples, yellow and more. Here are some more photos.
Walters Gardens breeds plants that are sold by other retailers. I asked the company’s creative director Christa Steenwik if I could take the plant out to the lobby to photograph it, she happily agreed. It took everything bit of my conscious to bring it back after the the photo shoot.
Famed breeder Hans Hansen created the variety and the good news it will be available locally at Quality Gardens in Valencia.

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